March 14, 2022

3 interns and apprentices share their experience at the studio!


What do interns and work-study students think of the studio? How is their integration at Ubisoft Paris going? We asked Charlotte, Lucas and Tristan!


How and why did you join Ubisoft Paris?   

Charlotte: I’ve always been passionate about computers and the world of video games. After my studies at INSA Rennes, I was looking for an internship with a goal to work in the industry. As I was able to participate in the Womxn Develop program, it was quite natural that I turned to Ubisoft during the Programming Days. I’m currently working as a Gameplay Programmer Assistant on an unannounced project.  

Tristan : I started by studying medicine, which I interrupted after spending 4 years there, including one working in Parisian hospitals as an extern. I stopped these studies with the sole objective of working in the video game industry, so I immediately turned to the 42 school that I joined in October 2019. I was lucky enough to get the necessary prerequisites to go on an internship shortly before the Programming Days in November 2021, which I therefore applied to in order to land an internship as an Online Programmer Assistant on Just Dance.  

Lucas: I had set myself the goal of becoming a 3D graphic designer since high school. After a bachelor’s degree at EESI in Poitiers, I entered my third year at Isart Digital. I started my internship at Ubisoft as a 3D Graphist Assistant last year and have been working there ever since.  


How would you describe your experience since your arrival?   

Tristan : I would say that I felt like I was on familiar ground. Whether it’s the atmosphere in the team where I felt at ease from the first day, the general atmosphere of mutual aid and especially the degree of autonomy that we have is absolutely brilliant. I really felt like I was back in my 42 school and the work atmosphere I’m used to. Despite the mass of information that falls from the first days I did not feel disoriented at all!  

Lucas: I have had a great experience at Ubisoft since I arrived. I quickly felt integrated into the team. The HR department has taken the right approach in putting interns and alternates in contact with each other in order to create bonds in addition to those of our teams.  

Charlotte: My arrival at Ubisoft went really well! I was immediately introduced to the project and to my team members, who welcomed me in a very friendly way. At the beginning, there’s a lot of time to spend on setup and training on the different tools, but you’re quickly thrown into concrete tasks, which makes it easier to adapt.   

  article stagiaires

What surprised you the most at the studio?  

Lucas: The good working mentality and the benevolence of the studio members.   

Charlotte: The atmosphere at the studio is really nice. Every day we meet new people with completely different jobs and backgrounds, it’s really enriching (and there’s also unlimited fruit and tea…)!  

Tristan : What surprised me the most was the fact that I was immediately connected to concrete and useful missions as soon as I arrived. I quickly felt integrated like any other member of the team who participates in the production of the game, and not like a small intern who is given minor tasks. I was very pleasantly surprised by this and it motivates a lot (it also puts a bit of pressure ^^).  


What advice would you give to other young people who want to join us for an internship or a work-study program?   

Lucas: I would tell them to go to events (for example the Ubisoft Blender Jam I attended) and not to be afraid to apply for internships or work-study programs. I think it’s important to be passionate from the interview onwards in order to be convincing.  

Charlotte : I advise you to learn about the different jobs and to participate in events and programs organized by the studio (for example Womxn Develop). This can help you build your professional network and who knows, unlock an opportunity later on. Otherwise, stay curious, motivated and get involved in projects related to video games. Game jams can be a good exercise to build a portfolio.  

Tristan: I would say don’t hesitate to get started. I applied to the Programming Days, thinking that there would be people with more interesting profiles and more experience, and in the end I am at Ubi today. I think that even if our skills don’t match 100% with the offers, we should trust ourselves and not forget that we are also here to learn.  


What are your plans after the studio?  

Lucas: I’m very satisfied with my career at Ubisoft, so I would like to continue working on the project and then improve and diversify my skills.  

Charlotte: To continue working in video games, if possible at Ubisoft!  

Tristan: Hopefully I’ll stay at Ubi after the internship (fingers crossed) and if not, I’ll continue to work in video games whatever happens, on personal projects or elsewhere.  

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