“Cultivate what characterizes you rather than fitting into a mold.” With these words, Marie-Sophie de Waubert, Managing Director of Ubisoft Paris, introduced the HR coaching day organized by Ubisoft and Women in Games on Wednesday, 17 February.
These words sum up the day where seventeen Ubisoft recruiters gave their advice, shared their experiences, and exchanged with nearly fifty women and non-binary members of the association.

On the agenda, several key points in any application process, including what should be on your CV, How do I prepare for an interview, What techniques can be used to present a portfolio effectively, followed by discussion workshops in small groups on various subjects such as “Justify an atypical career”, “How to sell yourself when youo don’t have a lot of experience” ou “Handicap, gender identities…: talk about your difference during an interview”. This free and caring discussion space allows participants to express themselves on their journey by sharing the difficulties they’ve encountered or their concerns about their profiles.
At the heart of all the shared recommendations are two messages: “Dare!” and “Be Yourself.” While all recruitment-related exercises appear to be highly formatted, the HR team recommended that participants not limit themselves to positions by ticking 100% of the boxes to ensure that their personality emerges from the documents.
For Jennifer Bourion, Talent Acquisition & Campus Manager at the Paris studio: “Our perception of ourselves is at the center of everything. Whatever our background, we all have a lot to offer; the first step is never to doubt. The second key step is preparation and training so that others can get to know us. “

This day allows participants to come out with concrete recommendations, but also to boost their motivation, an opinion shared by Emma Rolland who participated in the program: “A huge thank you to the superb Women in Games association and Ubisoft for this very informative and exciting day!”
Congratulations to all the participants, and a big thank you to Women in Games for organizing this inspiring day with us.
Would you like to participate in the next session? Follow us on LinkedIn, so you don’t miss it!